neuroFit spun out of NASA Ames Research Center in 2016.
Dorion Liston
Dorion has worked on basic and applied oculomotor research and development projects since 2000. After earning his Ph.D. (UCSD, 2005) working on oculomotor mechanisms at the Salk Institute for Biological Studies, he branched out into applied oculomotor behavior at NASA Ames Research Center, developing a prototype device for medical screening using oculometrics, and methods to quantify the sensitivity of oculomotor screening in medical applications.
Quinn Kennedy
Quinn is neuroFit’s Director of Aging Research. She earned a PhD in Psychology and completed postdoctoral training in cognitive aging at Stanford University, and has studied the processes of human aging for more than 20 years. Previously, Quinn was the Director of Healthcare Modeling & Simulation Program at the Naval Postgraduate School where she collaborated on numerous DoD and VA projects using eyetracking and XR technologies to measure and enhance performance and decision making.
Collin Belanger
Collin is a US Air Force special operations veteran with 10 years’ experience supporting technology transition on both the Air Force and commercial side of the acquisition process. Collin’s role at AFSOC, JSOC, and USASOC involved evaluation of new technologies for interdisciplinary teams. Collin manages projects, contracts, and interfaces with military teams.
Dmitriy Orlov
Dmitriy has developed an industrial design firm to conceptualize and realize products, and provide business structure for successful branding, marketing, and production of those products. He has worked in product development since 2008 in disciplines related to industrial and motorsport engineering. Dmitriy is responsible for the design and manufacturing of neuroFit’s next generation hardware.
Ali Ismael
Ali has worked as a systems architect to design, develop, and deploy software architecture for enterprise services, working as a consultant for Cisco, eBay, PayPal, and Uber. Dr. Ismael designed neuroFit’s back-end system, including: security, user accounts, payment processing, and interaction.
Rami Ersheid
Rami has worked as a software engineer and researcher supporting visuomotor projects at NASA Ames for more than a decade, developing computing infrastructure, integrating eye-tracking devices and visual hardware, and providing IT support for numerous NASA projects. In 2007, Rami founded the IT support company Hyperlink Inc. and is responsible for development of the PC and camera hardware for neuroFit.