Oculometric Assessment of Traumatic Brain Injury in Veterans

Recently, neuroFit has embarked on a collaborative project with Naval Postgraduate School (NPS), Defense and Veterans Brain Injury Center (DVBIC), and Veterans Affairs Palo Alto Health Care System (VAPAHCS).   Under the supervision of Dr. Quinn Kennedy of NPS, Dr. Lee Sciarini of NPS, and Dr. Maheen Adamson of DVBIC/VAPAHCS, Capt. Christinea Wagner of the U.S. Army used neuroFit's ONE device as part of a Master's Thesis in the NPS Department of Operations Research to:  "1) assess the efficacy of the Comprehensive Oculometric Behavioral Response Assessment (COBRA) as a screening method for mild-to-moderate TBI in veterans, and 2) assess the usability of the Oculometric Neurological Examination (ONE) device (neuroFit, Inc.) for use by operational units, military treatment facilities, or VA hospitals."   

Here are the conclusions from Capt. Wagner's project presented at the 2017 Military Health System Research Symposium:

"Oculometric methods (e.g., COBRA) can quantify signs of Traumatic Brain Injury.  Based on results in the oculomotor literature, oculometric techniques can characterize signs of neural injury and disease arising from many causes, including neurodegenerative disorders, psychiatric conditions, environmental hazards (e.g., hypoxia, blast, neurotoxin exposure), fatigue, and stress.  Neural health monitoring using oculometrics provides a sensitive method to detect changes from baseline performance, monitor recovery from injury, and evaluate treatment outcomes.  Oculometric devices (e.g., neuroFit ONE) could be used for baseline assessment during intake physicals, detection of acute injury in operational environments, and management of brain health by military and VA hospitals."


Useful links:

Wagner, C. M. (2017). Oculometric Screening for Traumatic Brain Injury in Veterans. Department of Operations Research. Monterey, CA, Naval Postgraduate School. M.S. in Human Systems Integration.

2017 MHSRS poster presentation 

Liston, D. B. and L. S. Stone (2014). "Oculometric assessment of dynamic visual processing." J Vis 14(14): 12.

Liston, D. B., et al. (2017). "Oculometric Assessment of Sensorimotor Impairment Associated with TBI." Optom Vis Sci 94(1): 51-59.


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